Address: 210038, Republic of Belarus,
Vitebsk, Moscovsky Prospect, 33,
office 423
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80212 37-58-45
+375 (33) 317-95-00


If you...
a traveler, naturalist and teacher at heart,
I love the wonderful world of plants and animals,
strive to penetrate the secrets of meetings,
learn the structure and wonders of primitive transformations of substances,
master the basics of IT chemistry, IT biology and biotechnology,
learn to work on modern analytical and biochemical equipment,
It is for you that the doors of the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences open.

Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences today:

  1. Graduates in demand on the labor market
  2. Highly qualified teachers and modern research laboratories
  3. Unforgettable educational and industrial practices
  4. Possibility of simultaneously obtaining a second higher education
  5. Educational mobility and internships abroad
  6. Training of guys at the military department with assignment of officer rank
  7. Current master's and postgraduate courses

The motto of the faculty: traditions and innovations are the key to preparing a successful specialist!

Currently, at the first stage, the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences provides training in the following specialties:

6-05-0113-03 NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION (Biology and chemistry). Qualification: Teacher.

6-05-0521-01 ECOLOGY. Qualification: Ecologist. Teacher

6-05-0511-03 MICROBIOLOGY. Qualification: Microbiologist.

6-05-0511-01 BIOLOGY (Biotechnology and/or Biodiversity). Qualification: Biologist. Teacher.

1-31 0201-02 03 GEOGRAPHY (Tourism geography and excursion management). Qualification: Geographer. Teacher.

In-depth higher education (master's degree) with the award of the academic degree "Master" is available in the following specialties:

7-06-0113-03 NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION (Methodology of teaching chemistry)

7-06-0511-01 BIOLOGY

7-06-0521-01 ECOLOGY

7-06-0532-01 GEOGRAPHY

The faculty employs highly qualified teachers, candidates and doctors of science. Professors, well-known not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also abroad, head scientific and pedagogical schools, which train highly qualified personnel.

  1. Scientific school on the theory and methods of teaching chemistry (Head - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.Ya. Arshansky).
  2. Scientific school “Biochemistry of a healthy lifestyle” (Head – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A.A. Chirkin).
  3. Scientific school “Natural and technical systems of Belarus: patterns of functioning, monitoring and management” (Head – Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor A.N. Galkin).
  4. Scientific school “Ecological and functional foundations of biodiversity of the Belarusian Lake District” (Head – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor G.G. Sushko).

Postgraduate specialties:


02.03.8 ECOLOGY (by industry)

02.03.04 ZOOLOGY


Doctoral specialty:


The educational process at the faculty is provided by 3 departments: Fundamental and applied biology, chemistry and natural science education, ecology and geography. There are 11 branches of departments, 2 educational, research and production complexes: “Biotechnology” and “Ecology”. Every year, teachers of the departments undergo internships in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

The faculty has 2 research laboratories equipped with modern high-precision equipment.

  1. Research Laboratory of Structural and Functional Research (Head – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.M. Balaeva-Tikhomirova).
  2. Research Laboratory of PCR Analysis (Head – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.A. Derzhinsky).

The main tasks of research laboratories: fulfillment of tasks of state scientific research programs, grants from the BRFFR, RFBR and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus; practical training of highly qualified personnel selected from among talented youth; preparation of high-quality scientific works: conference materials, articles, monographs, competitive works; exchange of experience and interaction with other laboratories.

There are two educational centers at the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences.

  1. “Center for Chemical Education” (Head – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.Ya. Arshansky).
  2. “Center for the Study of Biodiversity of the Belarusian Lake District and the Development of E-Learning” (Head – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor L.M. Merzhvinsky).

The faculty is part of the scientific and educational block of the medical and pharmaceutical cluster “Union “Medicine and Pharmaceuticals - Innovative Projects”. Every year, students take part in events to support gifted youth, including the “100 Ideas for Belarus” competition.

The faculty is adequately represented at university competitive events.

The most humorous students study at the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences and belong to the club of cheerful and resourceful people. The faculty's KVN team is one of the leaders and performs far beyond the Vitebsk region.

Faculty events are held annually: Harvest Festival, Mendeleev Wednesdays, Botanical Fridays, Health Days, Faculty Week, and others.

“Ecological Patrol” is a volunteer group of public ecologists from the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences. Created in 2005 as part of the university’s participation in the State program “On establishing order on earth (assigned territories).” Based on the results of their work, the best student volunteers are annually awarded certificates of public ecologists. The volunteer group of public ecologists “Ecological Patrol” was awarded numerous diplomas based on the results of republican competitions, including “Youth for the cleanliness of cities and villages.”

The Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences is for a healthy lifestyle, therefore special attention is paid to sports.

The most long-awaited and unforgettable time at the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences are the practices that take place at enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and in natural landscapes.

The most long-awaited and unforgettable time at the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences are the practices that take place at enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and in natural landscapes.

It is possible to get acquainted with the Faculty of Chemical, Biological and Geographical Sciences while still studying in primary and secondary school, by visiting the biological museum, a living corner, as well as exciting and educational events held by the departments.

ГодБлагоустройства3 МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси ПравоБу
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 СтадиИнБу
Трудоустройство ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"