210038, Republic of Belarus,
Vitebsk, Moskovsky prospect, 33
office 603, 604
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Faculty website:
+375 (212) 37-96-73,
+375 (33) 317-95-06


Faculty of Humanities and Language Communications: 97 lecturers work at 7 departments of the faculty. 55% have academic degrees and titles: 10 doctors of sciences and 43 PhD.

Dean of the Faculty - Sergey Vladimirovich Nikolaenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.


Since the new 2020 - 2021 academic year, History and Philology Faculties have been united. The Faculty of Philology and History is a glorious past, the Faculty of Humanities and Language Communication is an interesting future full of new events.

The Faculty of Humanities and Language Communications is 7 departments, 97 lecturers, 43 PhD, 10 doctors of sciences and more than a thousand students united by love for history and the word. Currently, 1050 students are studying at the Faculty, of which the number of foreign students is 449 people.

The Faculty of Humanities and Language Communications is the prospect of obtaining a demanded specialty that allows you to become a highly qualified translator/interpreter, specialist in the field of intercultural communication and foreign economic activity, tourism, education, culture, in the media, business, government and management, law enforcement agencies.

Departments of the faculty:

  • Department of Belarusian Linguistics;
  • Department of Germanic Philology;
  • Department of Literature;
  • Department of World Languages;
  • Department of General and Russian Linguistics;
  • Department of History and Cultural Heritage;
  • Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences.


  1. Russian language and literature. Foreign language (English)

Qualification: Teacher

  1. Russian language and literature. Foreign language (Chinese).Qualification: Teacher

Romance Germanic Philology

Qualification: Philologist. Teacher of English Language and Other Language and Literatures (Specifying the Languages and Literature).Translator/Interpreter

Language Support of Intercultural Communication (Foreign Economic Relations) Qualification: Specialist in Intercultural Communication. Translator/Interpreter (Advisor) (Specifying the Languages of Communication)

Belarusian philology (literary and editorial activity).Qualification: Philologist. Teacher of the Belarusian language and literature. Literary editorial staff

  1. History and Social Sciences

Qualification: Teacher

  1. Museum Studies and Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage (Cultural Heritage and Tourism)

Qualification: Cultural Heritage and Tourism Manager

Alumni today is a specialist who knows all types of communication technologies, tactics and strategies; possessing modern tools for teaching language, literature and history; solving the problem of preserving and expanding the historical and cultural heritage; actively using the language in such spheres of social life as media linguistics, foreign economic activity, digital technologies.


-The Center for Chinese Language and Literature Center;

-The Rene Descartes Center for French Language and Culture;

-The Center for Slavic Languages and Cultures;

-The Center for Language Education Studies;

-The Scientific and Research Center “Vitebsk Region Heritage”.


Branch of the Department of Germanic Philology on the basis of the State Educational Establishment “Secondary School No. 47 of Vitebsk named after E.F. Ivanovsky ";

Branch of the Department of Literature on the basis of the State Educational Establishment "Gymnasium No. 2 of Vitebsk";

Branch of the Department of World Languages on the basis of the State Educational Establishment "Gymnasium No. 2 of Vitebsk";

Branch of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics on the basis of the State Educational Establishment "Gymnasium No. 2 of Vitebsk";

Branch of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage on the basis of the cultural Establishment “Vitebsk Regional Museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union M.F. Shmyrev";

Branch of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage on the basis of the cultural establishment "Vitebsk Regional Local History Museum ";

Branch of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage on the basis of the State Educational Establishment “Secondary School No. 47 of Vitebsk named after E.F. Ivanovsky ".

Scientific and educational base:

- language laboratories;

- equipment for various types of translations.

International cooperation:

  1. The Federal Republic of Germany:

- Belarusian-German society “Kali Laska - Willkommen, Deutsch-Weißrussische Gesellschaft” (Germany);

  1. The Republic of Kazakhstan:

Pavlodar State Pedagogical University

  1. The Republic of Latvia:

- Budgetary self-government institution "Center of Belarusian Culture" of the Daugavpils City Council;

  1. The Republic of Poland:

- Zelenogursk University;

- Pomeranian Pedagogical Academy (Slupsk);

- University in Bialystok;

- Polish Institute (Minsk);

  1. The Russian Federation:

- Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs ;

- Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise";

- Moscow State Regional University (Moscow);

- Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Sevastopol);

- Pskov State University;

- St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

- Smolensk State University;

- Smolensk Regional Public Organization of the All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Youth Union”

- Institute of Philology and Journalism of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky ";

  1. The United States of America:

- Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan);

  1. The Slovak Republic:

- Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra;

  1. The French Republic:

- Embassy of France in the Republic of Belarus;

  1. Ukraine:

- V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;

- Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University.

Research Areas:                          

  1. Language and culture as the main spiritual values: socio-cultural, linguocultural, cognitive and educational aspects;
  2. Traditions and innovations in the development of the language and culture of the region: onomastics, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, cultural linguistics;
  3. Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics;
  4. Modern technologies in language teaching;
  5. Comparative Literature; folklore heritage of the region; axiological range of fiction;
  6. Functioning of the modern Belarusian language in oral speech and written text: social-state, national-cultural and local history parameters;
  7. Historical dynamics and spiritual culture of society: regional and global context;


Buevich Tatyana Vladimirovna – 1995 alumnus, Deputy Director of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region.

Voylokov Anatoly Nikolaevich - 2002 alumnus, Director of the management company "Gorodok Regional Museum of Local Lore".

Voronov Sergey Aleksandrovich - 2005 alumnus, Head of the department of sports and tourism of the Vitebsk city executive committee.

Glinskaya (Turkova) Elena – 2011 alumnus, Director of the travel agency "Lady Tour" (Vitebsk).

Ivanova (Krasnova) Evgenia Leonidovna - 2006 alumnus, PhD in Cultural Studies, Deputy Director of the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus.

Karpekin Konstantin Grigorievich - 2007 alumnus, PhD in Historical Sciences, Chief curator of the funds of the State Archives of the Vitebsk region, winner of the republican competition of professional skills "The best archivist of Belarus - 2012".

Kostyukevich Anastasia Vladimirovna – 2010 alumnus, PhD in Historical Sciences, Head of the Department for the preservation and use of the archaeological heritage of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Markevich Maxim Sergeevich – 2017 alumnus, Head of the Museum of the History of the Vitebsk People's Art School (a branch of the Vitebsk Center for Contemporary Art).

Minin Alexander Sergeevich – 2008 alumnus, Director of the international travel agency “Bel Baltic Travel”(Vitebsk).

Polyakova Irina Mikhailovna - 2002 alumnus, Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the seventh convocation.

Solovyanov Andrey Petrovich - 2003 alumnus, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, scientific secretary of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Tyvorskaya (Medvedeva) Veronika Aleksandrovna – 2008 alumnus, Head of the Museum of the History of Belarusian Statehood (a branch of the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus).

Khamkova (Savchenko) Daria Sergeevna – 2012 alumnus, Director of the travel company “You Travel” (Vitebsk).

Yurchak Denis Valerievich - 2003 alumnus, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief specialist of the department of culture of the Vitebsk regional executive committee.

Yakovlev Denis Viktorovich – 2004 alumnus, the chief curator of the funds of the Vitebsk Regional Museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union M.F. Shmyrev, winner of the award of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee for high achievements in the field of culture and art in the category "Best Museum Employee" (2019).

Elena Valerianovna Pantyukhova is a member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the seventh convocation from the Vitebsk region in 2019, laureate of the title "Person of the Year of Vitebsk" in 2012 and "Vitebsk resident of the year" in 2016, director of the republican unitary enterprise radio and television center "TV and radio company" Vitebsk ".

Mishurnaya Natalya Valerievna - 1992 alumnus, editor of the TV program production department of the Vitebsk TV and radio company.

Zamkovsky Ales Mikhailovich - Head of the literary and dramatic section of National Academic Drama Theater named after Y. Kolos.

Kiryutenko Igor Yurievich - Head of the Education Department of the Vitebsk City Executive Committee.

Kiselev Konstantin Leonidovich - Director of the State Educational Establishment "Gymnasium No. 2 of Vitebsk", laureate of the title "Person of the Year of Vitebsk - 2016".

Namestnikov Nikolai Vladimirovich - poet, head of the poetry section of the Vitebsk regional branch of the NGO “Union of Writers of Belarus”.

Polushkina Tatyana Gennadievna - member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the seventh convocation from the Vitebsk region in 2019, Director of the Polotsk College of the educational establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov".

ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"