210038, Republic of Belarus,
Vitebsk, Moskovsky prospect, 33
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+375 212 37 99 16
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Fax: +375 212 37 99 16

The Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training: 12 lecturers work at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language. 46% have PhD.

Dean of the Faculty: Valery Yanch, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor.


The Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training was established in 2011.

Currently, the faculty is the main link in ensuring the training of highly qualified specialists from among foreign citizens at the Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov in the following areas:

  • pre-university training of foreign citizens;
  • training of foreign citizens at the 1st stage of higher education in all accredited specialties;
  • teaching foreign citizens at the 2nd stage of higher education in English;
  • included training of foreign students in educational programs agreed with foreign partner universities;
  • e-learning according to the programs of the Preparatory Department;
  • short-term Russian language courses;
  • corrective and individual courses in specialized subjects as for students of Vitebsk State University. P.M. Masherov, and for students of other educational establishments of Vitebsk.

In addition to organizing the educational process, the faculty provides support for foreign citizens on medical care, accommodation and cultural and leisure activities.

Departments of the Faculty:

Department of Russian as a Foreign Language


Training in Russian

  1. Biology and Chemistry. Qualification: Teacher.
  2. Qualification: Biologist-Ecologist. Biology and Ecology teacher.
  3. Geography (scientific and teaching activities). Qualification: Geographer. Geography teacher.
  4. Jurisprudence. Qualification: Lawyer
  5. International Law . Qualification: Lawyer in the Field of International Law (Specifying Foreign Languages of Communication).
  6. Qualification: Teacher.
  7. Applied Mathematics (Scientific and Pedagogical Activity). Квалификация: Mathematician-Programmer. Teacher of Mathematics and Informatics.
  8. Applied Informatics (Computer Systems Software). Qualification: Information Specialist. Expert on Software Development
  9. Information Specialist. Expert on Software Development Qualification: Information Specialist. Expert on Computer Graphics Design and Web Application Development
  10. Information Technology Software. Квалификация: Software Еngineer
  11. Information Systems and Technologies (in Health Care Service). Qualification: Software Engineer
  12. Computer Security (radiophysical methods and program-technical means) Qualification: Information Security Specialist. Radio Physicist
  13. Information Resource Management. Qualification: Information Resource Management
  14. Romance Germanic Philology. Qualification: Philologist. Teacher of English Language and Other Language and Literatures (Specifying the Languages and Literature).Translator/Interpreter
  15. Teacher of English Language and Other Language and Literatures (Specifying the Languages and Literature).Translator/Interpreter. Qualification: Specialist in Intercultural Communication. Translator/Interpreter (Advisor) (Specifying the Languages of Communication)
  16. Russian Language and Literature. Foreign Language (Chinese). Qualification: Teacher
  17. History and Social Sciences. Qualification: Teacher
  18. Museum Studies and Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage (Cultural Heritage and Tourism). Qualification: Cultural Heritage and Tourism Manager
  19. Cultural Heritage and Tourism Manager. Qualification: Designer
  20. Decorative and Applied Arts (Ceramics) (Wood). Qualification: Decorative and Applied Arts (Ceramics) (Wood)
  21. Fine Arts, Drawing and Folk Crafts. Qualification: Educator. Artist. Teacher
  22. Qualification: Psychologist. Psychology Teacher
  23. Social Work (Social and Psychological Activity). Qualification: Specialist in Social Work. Psychologist
  24. Primary Education. Qualification: Teacher
  25. Preschool Qualification: Teacher
  26. Qualification: OligophrenopedagogySpecialist. Teacher
  27. Music, Rhythmics and Choreography. Qualification: Educator. Teacher

Training in English

Applied Informatics (Computer Systems Software) Qualification: Specialist. Expert on Software Development

Information Resource Management. Qualification: Manager. Economist of Information Systems

International Law. Qualification: Lawyer in The Field of International Law (Specifying Foreign Languages of Communication)

Language Support of Intercultural Communication (Foreign Economic Relations). Qualification: Specialist in Intercultural Communication. Translator/Interpreter (Advisor) (Specifying the Languages of Communication).

International cooperation:

Countries with whose educational institutions we have cooperation agreements:

  • People's Republic of China:

Hohhot Professional Institute;

Guizhou Normal University;

Beijing Union University;

  • Poland:

Zelenogursk University;

  • France:

University of Lille (CLIL Center, DELANG).

In the summer, the Summer School for students of the Peking United University operates at the university, where classes in the Russian language and regional studies of the Republic of Belarus are held.

Since September 2012, the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training, together with the UNHCR, have been participating in the implementation of the project “Integration of Refugees in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine”. Teachers of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language conduct classes for forced migrants who apply for refugee status.


Zhao Siyuan - Manager at Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited (PRC, Shenzhen);

Fun Chi - Head of the International Department of the Hohhot Professional Institute (China, Hohhot);

Metyakubov Ulugbek - Operation Management Coordinator in the Maintenance Department of the US Embassy in Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan, Ashgabat);

Mammedov Mammed - is an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"