Every year, students from different countries come to VSU named after P. M. Masherov for higher education. Turkmenistan, China, Nigeria, Syria, Ghana… For many students during their studies, the University becomes a second home, where they are truly loved and appreciated. Having successfully passed exams and tests, foreign students are happy to say that they made the right choice of University.

Общее фото

Рахмедов Мердан

Rahmedov Merdan, graduate of the Faculty of Law:

– Since my childhood, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer, so there were no problems with the choice of faculty and specialty. But in choosing a University, I trusted the experience of my older brother – he is a graduate of VSU named after P. M. Masherov. During 4 years of study, only the best impressions about the University were formed: very interesting teachers who gave high-quality knowledge and always helped in everything, a good relationship and friendship with Belarusian students. Many thanks to everyone I want to say. I do not plan to stop there, so I have already applied for admission to the Master's program. I really like Belarus, so even after completing my Master's program, I would like to continue working in this country.


Байрамова Айгуль

Bayramova Aigul, graduate of the Faculty of Philology:

– My relative studied at the Vitebsk Medical University, so my family was familiar with Vitebsk and education in Belarus. And when it came time for me to choose a University, he said that Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov is what I need. There are many interesting faculties and specialties, a lot of foreign students and there are all the conditions to get a good education. Since my early childhood I have been learning English and Russian, so the Faculty of Philology is completely suitable for me.

My student years were the best. I met a lot of guys, found new friends. During the student years the strongest friendship is born. At the University, we learned to overcome difficulties, helped each other, developed and became better. And this valuable experience gained at VSU named after P. M. Masherov will become a support for us in the future. The University has very talented teachers. For example, Alexandra Dubinkina and Lyubov Glazman will remain in my heart forever. Their unusual approach to teaching and preparing classes did not leave anyone indifferent.

Thanks to the knowledge obtained at the VSU named after P. M. Masherov, I successfully passed the exam for admission to the Master's program in Turkey, so my training continues.


Присцилла Маклар

Priscilla Mclar, graduate of the Fculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies:

– The choice of University and specialty, I approached responsibly. I have heard a lot about the quality of Belarusian education, so I decided to enter the VSU named after P. M. Masherov.

Based on my abilities, I chose a prospective specialty related to IT. It is very important that foreign students have the opportunity to study in English. I am very happy that when I return to Ghana, I will be able to put my University knowledge into practice. I met a lot of good people in Vitebsk who helped me get used to my new country. Wonderful memories of studying in Belarus will remain with me forever.


Чжан Цзин

Zhang Jing, graduate of the Master's degree of the Faculty of Art and Graphics:

– Studying at the University is one of the main stages before independent adult life. Hundreds of people enter universities every year and make responsible choices. I am very glad that I made my choice correctly. Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov has developed my motivation, perseverance, and Outlook. And the most important thing is that I became a qualified specialist. I hope that in the future I will continue to develop within my profession and climb the career ladder.

I would like to thank Olga Klimkovich, who supervised me throughout my Master's studies.


Гуламова Даная

Danaya Gulamova, graduate of the Faculty of Philology:

– Initially, I wanted to connect my life with medicine, but then I decided to choose Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov. My classmate graduated from this University last year and spoke very well about studying here. For 5 years of study, I have never regretted my choice, because there are excellent teachers here. Here I found many friends, met interesting teachers, acquired high-quality knowledge, became more experienced and independent.

I would like to say special words of gratitude to my French language teacher, Elena Yurchak. She instilled in me a special love for the French language, and now I can not only speak French, but also love everything connected with France.

VSU is a wonderful University, our second home. And if someone asks me which University is better to go to, I will confidently say that it is definitely VSU named after P. M. Masherov. Now I plan to improve my qualification and continue my studies at the University's Master's program.

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Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

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@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"