On November 30, the online event was held at the VSU Center for Chinese Language and Chinese Culture, in which representatives of the Institute of International Education of Anshan Normal University took part from the Chinese side, and from the Belarusian side - teachers and students of the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training and the Faculty of Humanities and Language Communications. During the event, students had the opportunity to get to know Anshan Normal University. They listened to the lecture on the topic "The evolution of hieroglyphs" and took part in the master class on writing hieroglyphs (calligraphy).

Anshan Normal University was founded in 1958. The university is located in Anshan, Liaoning province. It is a beautiful tourist town with the largest statue of the Jade Buddha in the world, the famous hot springs of Asia, as well as the city which is the center of the extraction of precious jade and the "Steel Capital" of China. Anshan has the state status of "Clean City".

We hope this event will be the beginning of cooperation between our universities.

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ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59

commentE-mail: info@mail-vsu.by

@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"