From July 4th to July 10th, interns from the Timiryazev Academy began their training sessions as part of the educational program on "The Use of Digital Technologies in Practice-Oriented Training for Future Graduates."

This internship is conducted within the framework of an Agreement on cooperation in the field of education, science, and socio-cultural activities between Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy" at the Institute for Staff Upgrading and Retraining, with subsequent issuance of an internship certificate.

The internship program was organized at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov under the academic guidance of the Dean of the Faculty, E.N. Zaleskaya, the head of the Department of Applied and System Programming, E.A. Korchevskaya, and the associate professor of the department, S.A. Ermochenko.

During the internship, employees from the Timiryazev Academy participated in workshops on artificial intelligence, robotics, additive and immersive technologies in joint laboratories of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology in collaboration with leading IT organizations of our country.

On July 7th, a roundtable discussion on "Advanced Digital Technologies" took place with the participation of the Dean of the Faculty, E.N. Zaleskaya, the head of the Department of Applied and System Programming, E.A. Korchevskaya, the associate professor of the department, S.A. Ermochenko, and the Timiryazev Academy interns.

During the intern's stay program, there were additional activities included such as a university tour, a visit to the Marc Chagall House-Museum, and a city tour of Vitebsk with the participation of A.N. Dulov, the head of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage.

During the certificate presentation ceremony, the interns received souvenirs as mementos of their time at Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov. The confidence was expressed in the continued productive cooperation in the field of education between Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov University and the Timiryazev Academy.

The interns successfully completed the internship program and left with vivid impressions of our university and the beautiful city of Vitebsk.

The Institute for Staff Upgrading and Retraining extends gratitude to the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology, represented by Dean E.N. Zaleskaya, the Center for Information Technology (CIT) at the university, the International Relations Office, the Department of Youth Work, and A.N. Dulov, the head of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage, for their collaboration in implementing the educational internship program for leading professionals and specialists.

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ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"