For the tenth time, the international scientific and practical conference "Innovative Forms and Practical Experience of Physical Education of Children and Students" is taking place at Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov on the basis of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports. The event is organized by the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sports Medicine of our University together with the Vitebsk Regional Center for Physical Education and Sports of Students, Smolensk State University of Physical Education, Voronezh State Academy of Sports, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

In total, 90 scientists from Belarus, Russia, Moldova, as well as master's students from China take part in the conference in in both face-to-face and online formats. The collection of reports was published before the start of the scientific forum.

The conference was opened with a welcoming address from Irina Syomkina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Associate Professor, Vice-Rector of Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov. Irina Alexandrovna wished all the participants fruitful work and noted the importance and relevance of the issues discussed at the scientific forum: the use of modern technologies in physical education and sports activities in health-improving and adaptive physical culture, optimization of its medical and biological support, innovative forms of physical education for students of preschool, general secondary, as well as vocational and higher education institutions.

In turn, Yuliya Gaponenok, the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, noted that holding such conferences allows scientists from friendly countries to discuss scientific developments and ideas, exchange experiences and opinions.

The scientific forum "Innovative Forms and Practical Experience of Physical Education for Children and Students" began with a plenary session. During this session, presentations were given by Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Activities E.N. Bobkova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ("The RLD Complex in Educational Organizations of the Russian Federation," Smolensk State University of Physical Education), M.Yu. Zolotova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ("Application of Modern Game Technologies in the Methodology of Physical Education for Students of Pedagogical Specialties," State University of Humanities and Social Studies), M.V. Khloptseva, Master of Pedagogical Sciences ("Complex of Computer Programs on Handball in the Training of Specialists in the Field of Physical Education," (Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov), and others.

"It is no coincidence that our event is attended not only by scientists in the field of physical culture and sports from Belarus and Russia, but also students of our faculty who are interested in scientific research and in the future will contribute to the renewal of the scientific potential of the departments of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport," summarized one of the organizers, Olga Malakh, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports Medicine.

The conference then continued with its section work.










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