The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov hosted the regional stage of the international competition of scientific, technical and artistic projects on cosmonautics "Star Relay". The founder of the competition is the Federal State Budget Institution - Yuri A. Gagarin State Scientific Research-and-Testing Cosmonaut Training Centre  .

The projects were defended on March 2 in several directions, in which the work of 6 sections was organized:

  • scientific and technical,
  • biomedical,
  • astronomical,
  • historical,
  • literary,

The literary and artistic sections were the most popular.

According to the jury, each work presented at the regional stage was unique, and the contestants showed themselves worthily during the defense of their projects.

On the same day the excursion to the planetarium and observatory of the Astronomical Center of VSU was held for the children. After that the awarding ceremony took place: diplomas to the authors of the best projects were awarded by the Head of the Department of Engineering Physics Tatiana Vladimirovna Buevich.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies expresses its gratitude for assistance in holding the competition: the Head of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage Anatoly Nikolayevich Dulov, the Department of Belarusian and Russian Philology, the Department of Fundamental and Applied Biology, the Faculty of Art and Graphic Arts, as well as the Center of Information Technologies of VSU and personally Dmitry Mikhailovich Matelyonok and Tatiana Gennadyevna Funtikova.

The regional stage has been completed. We express our gratitude to all organizers, but above all to the participants, as well as their parents and teachers for this celebration of creativity and the flight of scientific and artistic thought!

The winners of the competition were:

Scientific and technical section:

1.Kulesh Akim - Oktyabrskaya secondary school of Vitebsk district named after I.P. Sobolev ("Research of algorithms for stabilizing the mechanism for creating a device for performing minor repairs on board a spacecraft ");

2.Alexandrova Anna - Dolzhanskaya secondary school of Vitebsk district ("Space greenhouses").

Medico-biological section:

1.Artem Klimovets, Dmitry Skomoroshchenko - Gymnasium No. 5 of Vitebsk named after I.I. Lyudnikov ("Prevention of consequences of hypokinesia and microgravity by biocontrolled ultrasound therapy");

2.Alexander Dmitriev - Suikovskaya basic school ("A look into the future");

2.Gleb Syroikin - secondary school No. 28 of Vitebsk named after E. S. Zenkova ("Space medicine and psychology: from the first human space flight to the present day. History, trends, future");

3.Alexandra Logunova, Oksana Trubina - secondary school №3 of Vitebsk named after L.N. Belitsky ("Specific features of astronauts' nutrition during space flights").

3.Diana Bogdanovich - secondary school No. 16 of Orsha ("Features of Cosmonauts' Nutrition during Space Flights");

Astronomy section:

1.Vyacheslav Klimintionak - secondary school No. 1 of Lepel ("Potentially dangerous objects");

2.Vladislav Tkhorev, Alina Krivenok - secondary school No. 4 of Vitebsk ("Electronic educational module on astronomy "Starry sky. Constellations");

2.Darya Nesterova - Mishnevichi basic school named after A.S. Rasskazov, Shumilinsky district ("Mysterious Moon");

3.Stanislav Batashanov - secondary school No. 3 of Vitebsk named after L.N. Belitsky ("The Solar System and its Components");

3.Saveliy Vyal - Sitkovskaya basic school ("Once upon a Blue Moon").

History section:

1.Anton Ivanov - Suikovskaya basic school of Vitebsk district ("Rockets are defense and science” - S.P. Korolev. 1934");

2.Dmitry Marchenko - secondary school No. 28 of Vitebsk named after E.S. Zenkova ("Historical review of ideas about the origin of the Moon");

3.Ksenia Denisenko, Anna Denisenko - Oktyabrskaya secondary school named after I.P. Sobolev ("Cosmic "long-liver").

Literary section:

1.Yulia Sayko – The Lyceum of VSU named after P.M. Masherov ("It was an accident");

2.Kondrat Rybakov - Dobromyslinskaya secondary school named after L.P. Tikhmyanov of Liozna district ("Atlantes carrying light...");

2.Sergey Isaev - secondary school No. 3 of Vitebsk named after L.N. Belitsky ("Constellations");

3.Nikolai Fareitorov - Baran Gymnasium ("The Story of How Two Astronomers Swapped Bodies");

3.Artyom Bobrik - secondary school №47 of Vitebsk named after E.F. Ivanovsky ("Dreams").

Art section:

1.Zakhar Karchevsky - Gymnasium No. 3 of Vitebsk named after A.S. Pushkin ("A small step for an astronaut - a big step for mankind!");

2.Yegor Savik - secondary school No. 3 of Vitebsk named after L.N. Belitsky ("Live from Mars");

2.Polina Petul - secondary school No.31 of Vitebsk named after V.Z. Khoruzhaya ("Magic Space");

3.Ekaterina Kvir - secondary school No. 29 of Vitebsk named after V.V. Pimenov ("The Big Compression");

3.Svetlana Petukhova - The Lyceum of VSU named after P.M. Masherov ("The Future of the Universe").

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ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"