To discuss trends and prospects for the development of the tourism industry in the Republic of Belarus and in the regions of the Russian Federation, to exchange experiences and ideas, to learn about investments for the development of tourism infrastructure, and to find new partners for joint projects—these opportunities are available to participants of the III conference "National Tourist Route—Ecosystem for Industry Development," which takes place at Vitebsk State University (VSU) on April 26th, organized by the Belarusian Union of Women.

The general partner of the event is the JSC "Belarusian Bank for Development and Reconstruction 'Belinvestbank'." Among the organizers and partners are the Belarusian Fund for Financial Support of Entrepreneurs, the Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Enterprise "Belgosstrakh," the Open Joint Stock Company "Lidskoye Beer," and the Limited Liability Company "Intellectual Business Technologies," with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee.

"I believe everyone has noticed the growing role of women in our country in recent years. Women are taking an active stance and successfully mastering new industries," noted Vladimir Naumovich, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, in his welcoming speech.- "Today, every third entrepreneur in our republic is a woman. And the state, in turn, is always ready to support them in this."

Not only participants from Belarus present their reports at the conference, but also representatives of the Russian Federation in online format. Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Russia and Belarus and analysts from the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies will also participate in the discussions of current issues.

"We are pleased to host such a significant event at Vitebsk State University named after the Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor Pyotr Mironovich Masherov," - welcomed Valentina Bogatyryova, Rector of VSU, Doctor of Economics, and Professor. - "The venue was chosen deliberately. At our Polotsk College, we train specialists in the hotel industry, and at the university, we offer a specialization in 'Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communication.' We have established strong ties with Belinvestbank and Belgosstrakh.

I would like to note that the topic of the tourism business plays a major role in promoting our state in the international arena. And I sincerely wish that all the aspects we discuss today will be implemented."

According to the conference participants, Vitebsk region accounts for more than 10% of the volume of export services in the Republic of Belarus, making it the third highest among all regions after Minsk and Minsk region. However, there is undoubtedly still room for improvement.

The work of the III conference "National Tourist Route—Ecosystem for Industry Development" will conclude with a dialogue platform and a summary of the results.

More photos can be found in the 'Media Center of Vitebsk State University' VKontakte group












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Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"