In addition to the fact that our master’s course students are engaged in writing a Ph.D. thesis, they also study a number of disciplines,” said Dmitry Senko, Associate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts. – One of them is “Actual Techniques and Technologies of Modern Graphics”. As part of this discipline, Li Xinyang prepared some interesting works, and and I offered the girl to organize an exhibition. In just three months, everything was ready. It is interesting that, as a rule, English-speaking master’s course students pay more attention to theory, prepare good master's thesis and successfully defend them, but they don’t show themselves in creativity. Therefore, today's exhibition of Li Xinyang is the first such experience.”

Li Xinyang graduated from Shangrao Normal University in Jiangxi Province (PRC) in 2018, she majored in environmental design. Since 2021, she has been studying at the English-language master's course at VSU named after P.M. Masherov.

 “We always support any initiatives and help organize and hold exhibitions,” said Gennady Isakov, head of the Department of Fine Arts. – Li Xingyang is a very active master’s course student who has previously presented her works at a painting exhibition and received a participation certificate. Today she is demonstrating graphics. I note that we, teachers, evaluated the work and came to the conclusion that they have a sense of style. Therefore, I sincerely congratulate Li Xinyan on the opening of the exhibition, wish you creative success and successful application of the skills that we teach in the future.

Also, the young artist was congratulated by friends from China and Olga Lyubchenko, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training. Li Xinyang thanked everyone for their attention and noted that she really likes to study at VSU named after P.M. Masherov, because thanks to the teachers of the Faculty of Art and Graphics, she learned a lot.

The exhibition will run for at least two weeks.

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Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

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@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"