From June 18 to 19, a tourist trip was held in the village of the Vitebsk region among the teams of physical culture of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Pervomaisky region of Vitebsk. At these competitions as part of the national team of VSU named after P.M. Masherov was attended by representatives of the administration, teachers, instructors, methodologists, heads of departments and others.

The program of the tourist rally included sports and tourist competitions.

In addition to sports competitions, there was also a competition of tourist dishes, a competition of order and song, a competition of tourist life, a quiz "Historical Vitebsk".

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ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"