The creative teams of the Orsha College at Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov once again captured the hearts of the members of the international jury. This time, the instrumental ensembles "Mix Band" (director - Zh.E. Batyushkova) and "Musical Vernissage" (director - N.L. Ustinova) showcased their abilities at the X Anniversary International Competition and Festival "Heritage". The organizer of this event is the National Creative Association "Heritage," with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the State Portal "PRO Culture."

The international online competition brought together hundreds of participants representing their talents and achievements in various fields of art: vocal performance, choreography, theatrical and circus arts, literary arts, instrumental performance, applied arts, and more.

Among such a large number of participants, the instrumental voices of the college's creative groups did not get lost and were heard. The secret is simple: the girls managed to accurately convey the texture of the musical works proposed for the competition, their extraordinary character. The blues performed by "Musical Vernissage" was filled with sensuality, bright sadness, reflections, while "Libertango" presented by the "Mix Band" ensemble stirred up constraordinary emotions, talking about passion, love, and hate.

The skill of our contestants was highly appreciated by the jury: the college's instrumental ensembles were awarded Diplomas of Laureates of the 1st degree.

Congratulations to the girls and their directors on their victory!

E.A. Chikovanova, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

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ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"