From April 26 to April 28, St. Petersburg hosted the International Innovation Exhibition and Scientific Development Competition HI-TECH-2022.

The International office, the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training and the Faculty of Art and Graphics organized and held on 27.04.2022 a joint occupational guidance event “Welcome Day - 2022” for Chinese citizens in the form of an online conference.

On April 25, 2022 negotiations were held between the Rector of the University and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Medical Line S.A.L. Dr. Rabih Samad (Lebanese Republic).

The International office, the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training and the Faculty of Pedagogy organized and held on 22.04.2022 a joint occupational guidance event “Welcome Day - 2022” for Chinese citizens in the form of an online conference.

On April 7, Gomel State University named after P.O. Sukhoi hosted the Festival of youth and talents for the seventh time – an open interuniversity creative Friendship festival among foreign students of Belarus

On April 8, online negotiations were held with Jiaozuo Professional College of Industry and Trade. Еducational establishments presented their scientific, educational potentials and discussed the prospects for developing partnerships in the field of educational, scientific and socio-cultural activities.

On April 1, a graduate of the Master's course of VSU met with Irina Loshakova, director of Vitebsk secondary School No. 45 named after V.F. Margelov, and the teaching staff of the school, as well as representatives of the VSU named after P.M. Masherov operating within the branch.

TVU presents a new edition of the program "PRO Art", in which tells about music, as well as about where the heart of this art form is located at our university.

On March 25, the team of the VSU named after P.M. Masherov took part in the regional stage of the republican competition on the basics of life safety "Students. Safety. Future"

On March 26 the career guidance quest "VSU start" once again offered applicants from all over the Vitebsk region to get acquainted with the specialties of the university in a non-standard format.

ГодКачества СлавянскийБазар Юбилей105Лет МолодежьПротивНаркотиков ПравовойФорум МолодежьБеларуси
ПатриотБу АбитуриентБу ВитебскиеВести РейтенговаяОценка qr code 3 ПравоБу ОрганамТорговли100ЛетВ2
Трудоустройство СтадиИнБу ЭкспортБу Витьбичи

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

homeAddress: 210038, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk, Moskovskiy Avenue, 33.

phoneTelephones: +375 (212) 37-49-59 (Administration)

printerFax: +375 (212) 37-49-59


@ Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov"